Reminder: Our October Club Meeting is Monday at 7pm at Princeton Station. In addition to our updates on Club Buisness, we will be celebrating our members who are also members of an exclusive club...The Abbott World Marathon Majors! If you are unfamiliar with the Abbott World Marathons, take a look here: We're excited to see you Monday night! If it's your first club meeting, arrive a few minutes early to receive your free drink ticket, purchase raffle tickets and get a good seat for an awesome night of celebrating some of our own! See you soon, Danielle Sullivan
I hope you are all still on your runner's high or volunteer high from such an amazing Baystate weekend! Now that Baystate is behind us, it's time to clean up, organize, and take inventory at the Coop! We'll be starting at 9 am after the group run on Saturday, November 16. If you can't make it that early, not to worry, there's a second shift as well. Lunch will be provided to all volunteers. Please sign up here I am hoping to have most spots filled by Nov. 2 but will welcome volunteer sign-ups at any time. Our members are what make our club so great and you will enjoy meeting a few new faces or chatting with some good friends as we come together with…